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Garage door
Bent Garage Door Panels


Projects Done This Year

Your friendly neighborhood

Garage Door Installation, Repair and Replacement Company Redmond and Mercer Island, WA

We fixes the garage doors of many residential and commercial customers each year.

Kiki Garage is a team of certified and experienced mechanics who are available to help people with all issues related to garages in Redmond and Mercer Island. Our goal is to help people install or maintain their garage in the perfect functional state in Redmond and Mercer Island.

Gladly for the past 14 years, we have been serving our garage installation, repair and maintenance services Redmond and Mercer Island. Over the years, we have polished our skills, and embraced technological advancements to ensure that we can meet your expectations.


Kiki Garage

Since 2014

Want Your Garage Door Sale, Repair or Installation? We’re Ready To Start!

Call Us Today (+1) 425 470 5806 or Request a FREE Quote

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